Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter goodness....

Crap... I hate it when you write nearly a whole blog... then accidentally
 delete it!

Woooh... a whole calender month since I last blogged!
When did my life become so crazy busy, that finding a couple of minutes to jot down a few words on the most memorable moments of the past few days, seems like a total luxury?....
Tonight I have my babes in bed early, lovely husband out of a bit, dishes and washing done...
and that damn box OFF!!!
off off off off (off out to the bin if I had my way!)

Yesterday... wonderful sunny warm Easter Friday, I spent (FINALLY) in the flower garden, which has become some what neglected in the last month due to the demands of the vegetable garden... obviously it has pretty tough job seeing us thru the winter...($100 a week is proving to be seriously tough for the 5 of us!) (TIPS WELCOME!)
I am pleased though. I think it looks great for this time of year and am proud that we have made it blossom from this in August last year...

To pretty flower garden now...
Lots of thanks to my Nan, Mum, Aunty Al and neighbours Rena and Daphne for their contributions of cuttings...  oooh and Em too, for the standard roses from her garden.

The vegetable garden is going awesome too...except...

My spuds... they actually look HUGE here.
The biggest one here was smaller than a 10 cent piece... lucky we had rice in the cupboard :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cindy, Thanks so much for thoses seeds, I haven't planted them yet, but I have had my crazy kale & some basil seeds come up in the glass house, let me know if you'd like some?
    You're pretty keen doing the whole $100 a week thing (I don't think Ged could go without beer!) Anyway, I just made my own laundry liquid & it cost hardly anything to make & it rocks so if you're not doing it already & you want the recipe just sing out!
    P.S your flower garden is rocking!!
