So, months have past since my last blog, but with a lack of heating near the computer, who can blame me. Here's a wee peek at whats been happening at Dukerville HQ.
Family picnic on the way to Grandad Tony's in Auckland.
Stopping at the army museum on the way home from Auckland and leaving a Poppy for Papa.
Winning Soccer on a FREEZING Saturday morning.
Possum piklet making one wet afternoon...yummo!
This is our new addition to Dukerville... welcome Kermit Mcdermot, or just Dermot if you prefer ;)
Baby growing. (by far the toughest job of all)
Chugging along nicely for 23 weeks. This little rascal is due on 20th December so I'll be setting up a manger under the Chrissy tree this year. Bring on a very merry Christmas... And a lots of lovely warm weather and long happy sunny summers days! Only about 133 days to go....*sigh*